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3.5 Customising Voyager - Settings Part 2

3.57 Cache

Cache Preferences

Voyager's Cache configuration is not fully functional yet but two of the On-Disk Cache options may be used.

3.58 Security

Voyager's Security functions are currently not accessible for you to configure.

3.59 Mail and News

Mail & News Preferences

Voyager currently supports mailto: links to send email to people on the net, and can access an NNTP news server to allow you to browse Usenet newsgroups. Here is where you can configure your identity to show the rest of the world.

3. 510 MIME Settings

MIME Preferences

The MIME GUI allows you to set your preferences so when Voyager encounters certain objects/files it performs an action: views them, plays them, launches an external program or saves the file to your hard drive.

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